
Beluga: the legend of the sea and gastronomy
Beluga is one of the most legendary, valuable and rarest fish in the world, a true record holder in every aspect and the source of caviar that is more expensive than gold! It lived in the time of dinosaurs on Earth and survived those mighty giants, but it could not withstand humans: through reckless exploitation of natural resources, humanity has driven this irreplaceable fish to the brink of extinction.
Methods on how to salt red caviar
If you bought carcasses of freshly frozen salmon fish, then do not be surprised if you find red caviar inside. It will not be difficult to pickle caviar. You will get a delicious natural delicacy without preservatives, prepared with your own hands! Read our recommendations on how to salt red caviar.
Red caviar production stages
Have you ever wondered why salmon caviar is an expensive product? The answer lies in complex and multi-stage production technology, the first stage of which is the extraction of caviar. Then the caviar is sorted, processed, and salted. The filling process ends the caviar production.
How to store caviar properly?
Red caviar is considered an elite delicacy, and like anything exceptional, this product requires special storage conditions. The expiry date depends on whether it is a loose product, in a sealed container, or an open container. Either way, storing caviar involves strict adherence to several requirements.
Why caviar can be bitter
You are dealing with a low-quality product. This is the most common reason why caviar tastes bitter. Perhaps the caviar contains a lot of preservatives, on the one hand, increasing the shelf life, but on the other hand, deteriorating the taste characteristics.
How artificial caviar is produced: features
Everyone has met on sale artificial or so-called imitation caviar. But not everyone knows how to make artificial caviar, what kind of raw materials are used for this, useful or harmful to such a product. Let us try to clarify these and other issues regarding the production of synthetic caviar.
How to distinguish real caviar: tips and tricks
Today it is not difficult to buy red or black caviar, because there are a huge number of stores where these products are sold. If you wish, you can use the online service. Without knowing the information about the producers, another kind of difficulty arises: how to distinguish real caviar?